News Mainers can use
Welcome to CAHC’s consumer-focused monthly newsletter providing information, tips, and updates, that can help people understand health coverage and healthcare options in Maine. If you have questions or ideas for this publication, please email us!
In this late summer edition, we'll address some ways private health insurance can be supplemented by public coverage options with a focus on health insurance for those still in school and a few important reminders to MaineCare members.
Ever heard that MaineCare will take your home when you die? Find out more about Estate Recovery, essential health benefits and more in this issue of Consumer News.
Looking for information on MaineCare, the Medicare Savings Program, the Marketplace and more? Check out this June edition of Consumer News!
This first edition includes information about: the MaineCare family planning benefit, expanded MaineCare coverage for pregnant people regardless of immigration status, the MaineCare 5-year bar for green card holders, and updates on the Medicare Savings Program. It provides guidance on routine screenings covered by MaineCare and ACA Marketplace plans, defines common health insurance terms, and identifies events of interest! Be sure to sign up to receive the newsletter monthly!