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Assistance for Immigrants

Qualifying for Marketplace Coverage

Marketplace Coverage for New Mainers

Lawfully present immigrants can buy a private health insurance plan at Premium subsidies are available for those with income starting at 100% of the federal poverty level, which is $14,580 for a single person, $30,000 for a family of four.*** Additional savings on out-of-pocket costs may be available.

Lawfully present immigrants with income below 100% of the federal poverty level who are not eligible for MaineCare/Cub Care based on their immigration status are eligible for premium subsidies and other savings. Immigrants with these statuses can use Maine’s health insurance marketplace at

A Special Enrollment Period to apply and enroll in coverage at may be granted when a lawfully present immigrant has income that drops below 150% of the federal poverty level which is $21,870 for a single person, $45,000 for a family of four, and they are not eligible for MaineCare/Cub Care.

The timeframe for the Special Enrollment Period is 60 days after the drop in income occurred. Please call the Maine Health Insurance Consumer Assistance HelpLine, 1-800-965-7476, for more information on health insurance through for immigrants.