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Important Information for MaineCare Members, what Mainers need to know to stay covered

MaineCare, free or low-cost health coverage for qualified individuals and families

My Maine Connection, the fast, easy way to apply for or renew MaineCare

MaineCare for Children and Young Adults

MaineCare for Pregnant Persons

The Medicare Savings Program, some who have Medicare can get help with health care costs through MaineCare

Estate Recovery in Maine, what you need to know about Long-Term Care services and MaineCare -

The Katie Beckett Program, help for Maine children with severe disabilities -

MaineCare for Non-Citizens, coverage for pregnancy and immigrant children living in Maine

Transitional MaineCare, some members qualify for extended benefits -

The Private Health Insurance Premium Benefit (PHIP) can help MaineCare eligible households pay for their employer coverage.


Helpful Tips, what to know when enrolling in coverage at

Account Information Worksheet, a handy place to keep your plan information

Special Enrollment Periods - Need Health Insurance? Some Mainers have options outside of Open Enrollment at

Marketplace vs MaineCare, a comparison of two health insurance programs in Maine

Family Health Insurance Plans, good news for families who need low-cost health insurance

Tax Rules Related to Health Coverage Received at

Safety Net Programs

Dental Clinics - Use this guide to find dental clinics in your area or use this link to see a map of dental clinics in Maine.

MaineCare Adult Dental, many services are now covered

Free Clinics and Sliding Fee Centers - a handy list of facilities that offer primary, preventative, and other health services in Maine

Hospital Free & Discounted Care - no one can be turned away from emergency care, eligibility for free and discounted hospital care is based on income and varies by facility



DIY Appeals Guide - a tool for people in Maine with private health insurance plans who wish to challenge a insurance claim decision with their insurer.

CAHC Brochure

CAHC's HelpLine 1 Pager


Trainings Sign Up

Did you know we offer trainings on topics like MaineCare Eligibility and Marketplace Enrollments? How about programs that fill coverage gaps or the Medicare Savings Program? We at Consumers for Affordable Health Care understand health insurance is a highly complex and individualized issue. Our professional trainings are designed for those working directly with the public. Use the form below to sign up and we will notify you when new trainings are announced!

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  • Todd *Maine Medicare Options
    Todd *Maine Medicare Options

    Consumers for Affordable Health Care’s Medicare Savings Program flyer is awesome and I’m so glad Maine has a group like CAHC to help folks understand these things!