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MaineCare Common Questions

Who can get MaineCare coverage?

For help understanding MaineCare eligibility, please call the Maine Health Insurance Consumer Helpline at 1-800-965-7476.

Adults aged 21 to 64

Adults with or without minor children may qualify for MaineCare if they meet certain income guidelines based on their household size. If you applied in the past, income guidelines may have changed since then and you may want to reapply.

Disabled or Adults over 65

Based on household income and assets, people 65 years or older and people who are disabled may be able to get free MaineCare. Even if you do not receive Social Security benefits, you can still apply for MaineCare as part of this group. And, if you are working, you could make more money and still get MaineCare under the Working Disabled Benefit.

Children and Young Adults Birth to 20

Depending on income level, children and young adults may be able to get free MaineCare coverage at higher incomes than their parents or caregivers through the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), formally called CubCare. Eligibility requirements recently changed, if you did not qualify in the past, you should reapply. There is no longer a premium for coverage or a waiting period for coverage to start. Young adults age 19 and 20 may be able to get free MaineCare coverage through the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), based on household income. If a young adult is not claimed on their parents’ taxes, they may be able to apply for MaineCare using only their own income. Income eligible immigrants from birth to aged 20 can get MaineCare regardless of their immigration status.


Income guidelines for pregnant persons are higher than regular MaineCare and the fetus(es) is considered a household member(s). If the pregnant person is under 21 years old, then their parents’ income may be counted if they live with them and the parents claim the pregnant person on their tax returns. Income eligible pregnant persons can get MaineCare regardless of their immigration status.

Working Disabled

To qualifying for working disabled MaineCare, an individual must meet the income and asset test guidelines, be under 65, have a disability determination from the Social Security Administration, and earn income from employment or self employment. For some individuals the program is free. Above certain income levels, individuals will pay $10-$20 per month for coverage unless they pay for their Part B premium.

Other Programs

The Maine Center for Disease Control offers additional coverage assistance for individuals through the AIDS Drugs Assistance Program (ADAP) for individuals with HIV/AIDS within certain income guidelines, and the Maine CDC Breast and Cervical Health Program for individuals who meet certain guidelines and need help paying for breast and cervical cancer screenings and follow ups.