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Marketplace Common Questions

What to know about taxes and the Marketplace.

The subsidies you get to help pay for your marketplace coverage are tax credits based on your anticipated income for the plan year. How you choose to take those credits, how much income you estimated, and whether or not you reported changes to your income can impact your tax filings.

When you file your taxes, the IRS will "reconcile" the amount of credits you received with the income you report.

  • If you made more income than you reported, you may need to repay some of those credits.
  • If you made less, based on your filing, you may get a lower tax bill or higher return.

If you are enrolled in Marketplace coverage, you will receive a Form 1095-A. The tax form will show all the months health insurance coverage through was active. If you received health insurance through another source, this form will not reflect that coverage. This form also shows the premium costs and any advance premium tax credits (APTC) your tax household got during the year.  

You will use your Form 1095-A to fill out Form 8962. IRS Form 8962 is an IRS form used to reconcile the tax credits.

This form is typically available before January 31 to be used in filing your taxes for the previous year. It can be found in your account or will be mailed to you.

Click here to view a printable flyer about tax rules related to health coverage received at

Visit the 1095-A FAQs page at for more details.