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  • Robert, Cumberland County * stock image
    Robert, Cumberland County * stock image

    "It’s amazing that CAHC helped me so much and there was no charge...The CAHC staff were completely warm and empathetic. They responded very quickly, which no one else involved was doing. Perhaps more importantly, the staff took a lot of medical jargon and explained it in plain English to me, which was hugely helpful.”

Our Impact In 2023

  • HelpLine Calls Taken


  • Eligibility Determinations


  • Advanced Premium Tax Credits realized


Maine’s Health Insurance Consumer Assistance Program and Maine’s Medicaid/MaineCare Ombudsman Program
  • Kate, Policy Advocate

    Braving the cold for a statehouse event advocating the rights of consumers!

  • Helen & Charlotte
  • Devan, HelpLine Advocate
  • 2023 board
    2023 board
  • Ann and Lee
  • Ann, Executive Director
    Ann, Executive Director