Maine's Office of Affordable Health Care will host a public hearing on September 27th, 2023 at 9:00am at 109 Capitol Street, Augusta, ME.
Information about the hearing and submitting comments from the Office of Affordable Health Care:
During this hearing, the office will provide a presentation and invite commentary from stakeholders about trends in health care costs in Maine and barriers to affordability.
There will be two avenues for stakeholders to provide comment to the office:
- By attending the public hearing in-person
The hearing will be held at 9:00am on 9/27 in the Maine A&B conference room at 109 Capitol Street, Augusta, ME. To sign up to provide comment in-person, please email In-person speakers will be allowed 3-5 minutes to comment, depending on the volume of attendees. Stakeholders may also watch the hearing remotely by registering via Teams. For operational reasons, however, comments will not be accepted from virtual participants.
- By submitting written comments
The office invites written comments to be submitted until midnight on Friday, October 6th. Individuals who speak in-person at the hearing are also encouraged to submit comments in writing. Written comments will be carefully reviewed following the hearing, and provided equal consideration as in-person testimony.
All commenters are strongly encouraged to use the templates below to structure their comments. Use of these questions ensures that the input shared by respondents can effectively inform the work of the office. Each template includes an open question at the end for any commentary that can’t otherwise be captured in the response, including feedback or questions regarding the office’s presentation at the hearing. There are three templates (lined to below), each designed for a different category of respondents:
Payers and Providers – for health insurance companies, health care providers (health systems, hospitals, individual practitioners), and employers.
Individual Consumers – for individuals who are contributing in a personal capacity about their experiences with the health care system.
Advocacy and Others – for advocacy organizations, professional associations representing certain industries or interests, and any individuals/organizations who do not fit within the above categories.